Terms & Conditions
Terms & Conditions
Terms & Conditions
Placing an order on the Pregnancy Essentials website means that the Buyer agrees to the following terms and conditions of cooperation.
Matterhorn is a wholesaler (hereinafter referred to as: the Wholesaler) and sells products only to the business entities and self-employed resellers. The ordering party (hereinafter referred to as the Buyer) declares that he/she performs this action on behalf of and for the benefit of the business entity. Sales at the Matterhorn Wholesale website are not subject to consumer law regulations. The owner of the Matterhorn Wholesaler is the company Matterhorn Moda Sp z o.o. with headquarters in Mysłowice, Katowicka Street 51, Poland. Tax Identification Number (TIN): 8961552779, VAT EU: PL 8961552779 REGON: 364871017.
Placing an order
The Buyer may place an order manually on Matterhorn website or automatically though API. The Wholesaler requires no minimum order quantity. While placing an order, the Buyer is obliged to provide invoicing and shipping details (including the name of the company and the correct VAT EU number in case of European Union based entities). If the shipping address and billing address are different, this should be noted in the “additional information” field. The invoice will be issued on the basis of data provided by the Buyer. The Wholesaler is not liable for errors resulting from a system failure or for errors caused in the course of communication between the Buyer and its servers. The Wholesaler is not responsible for incorrect data provided by the Buyer while placing an order. In particular, shipping costs, VAT rate or price of goods can not be considered as final and are subject to correction. The Buyer is obliged to provide the Wholesaler with a correct email address and mobile phone number during the checkout process. Unsuccessful deliveries of orders without this information cannot be compensated. The Wholesaler reserves the right to refuse to fulfill the order or a part of the order. If an ordered product is not available at the time when the order is being completed, the Wholesaler provides the Buyer with available products from among those ordered, and the amount of money of the unavailable product, which has already been paid for, is transferred in the form of an overpayment to the Buyer’s balance of payments. The overpayment may be used by the Buyer for a next order. Upon the request of the Buyer, addressed in a written form, the overpayment will be refunded to the Buyer in a manner agreed between the Wholesaler and the Buyer. By default, the refund will be executed in the same manner as initial payment. The Buyer is obliged to monitor his/her order in the customer panel on the Wholesaler’s website. All information regarding product shortages will appear in this customer panel. The goods are ordered after pressing the “ORDER” button on the Wholesale website and prior submission of all necessary data. By placing an order, the Buyer also gives the Wholesaler the permission for keeping the Buyer’s personal data in the Wholesaler’s database. The data will be used only to fulfill the order and for marketing purposes.
Products and website content
The assortment offered by the Wholesaler is brand new. It comes from legal sources and is free of defects. The Wholesaler has made every effort to ensure that descriptions and photos of products in our store have been checked, however, we are not responsible for changes made by the manufacturers and description mistakes. Any changes in prices are due to changes in manufacturers’ prices. The Wholesaler gives the Buyer access to integration files: XML, CSV and Excel format. These files include the following information: product ID numbers, stock availability, description in 11 languages (Polish, English, French, German, Netherlandish, Romanian, Italian, Hungarian, Russian, Czech and Slovakian), link to photos, prices (VAT excluded). The Wholesaler gives the Buyer access to API documentation. The Wholesaler is not responsible for technical assistance.
Processing time and the delivery
The standard processing time is 1-5 working days. The time needed to complete the order for a given product is indicated in the shopping basket and in the XML file available at the website. The delivery takes an additional couple of days. Therefore, the receiving time = processing time + delivery time. For reasons beyond the control of the Wholesaler, such as invalid address, customs clearance procedures or other causes, the delivery time may take longer. The Wholesaler starts processing each order after receiving the payment. In case of payment by bank transfer, the Buyer may send the Wholesaler a confirmation of payment, to speed up the processing of an order. The products are reserved after the payment is credited to the Wholesaler’s account. The Wholesaler does not allow for cancellation of an order or making any changes to an order once the payment has been credited to the Wholesaler’s account. The Wholesaler offers the following shipping methods: GLS, Fedex Economy, Fedex Priority and Global Express, which is a Netherlandish Post. The choice of the delivery methods is different, depending on the country. The shipping labels contain the Wholesaler’s data (the name of the company, the shipping address and the phone number). Before collecting the parcel, the Buyer is obliged to check whether the packaging has not been damaged during the transport. In particular, the Buyer should pay attention to the condition of tapes or seals affixed to the shipment. If the package is damaged or the seals (tapes) are broken, the Buyer should not accept the parcel and make a damage report in the presence of the carrier and contact the Wholesaler as soon as possible to clarify the matter. Checking the parcel on delivery is a necessary condition to take into account any claims of the Buyer for damage or robbery of the shipment in transit. Product guarantees do not include mechanical damage caused by external factors. The Buyers from non-EU countries are required to pay duty and a custom clearance fee in the country of destination, known as import customs clearance fee. If the Buyer refuses to pay them in the destination country, he or she should be aware of the fact that the Wholesaler does not take any responsibility for that. If such an order is returned, the Wholesaler will not refund the costs incurred by the Buyer. For further information, the Buyer should contact his/her local customs office.
Payment terms and prices
All the prices listed on the Matterhorn Wholesale website are wholesale net prices (they do not include VAT). The issued VAT invoice is attached to the shipment or available to download on the Wholesaler’s website. The Wholesaler does not issue collective invoices. A separate invoice is issued for each order. The Wholesaler accepts payments by credit card, bank transfer or PayPal.
Product return policy
The Wholesaler does not accept returns. Purchases at the Matterhorn Wholesale are not consumer sales and do not apply to the consumers. Only business entities or self-employed resellers of any kind are allowed to make a purchase. Therefore, the orders can not be returned.
We do not accept returns under consumer law because we deal with B2B sales. However, we offer a return service, the conditions of which you can find out in the help section.
Only damaged products are subject to exchange. The Buyer is obliged to contact the Wholesaler in writing within 48 hours after receiving the parcel. The Buyer is obliged to return such a product to the Wholesaler and the Wholesaler needs to receive such a return within 7 working days from the date of informing the Wholesaler about such issue. All the returns need to be sent to the following address:
The Buyer is obliged to describe in detail the defective product and attach photos showing the damage within 48 hours after receiving the parcel. All the return costs and customs duties are to be incurred by the Buyer unless otherwise instructed. The Wholesaler does not accept complaints, returns nor exchange requests from the customers who are customers of the Buyer. The Wholesaler is not obliged to refund the Buyer in the following cases: the return is missing the detailed description of the damage, the original packaging (shoe box, dust-proof bag) is missing or damaged, order number is missing, the return is unauthorized, return deadline is over. The refund is provided in the form of credit on the Buyer’s account, within a maximum of 7 working days from receipt of the product by the Wholesaler. This credit is then automatically deducted when a new order is placed. If the Buyer does not want to use the money on the next order, the Wholesaler is obliged to refund the money by the same method of payment with which an original payment was made. The Buyer is obliged to read thoroughly the information on cooperation terms that has been put on the Matterhorn website. If you have any further questions, please contact us: info@matterhorn-wholesale.com.
Pursuant to Article 558 § 1 of the Civil Code of the laws of the Republic of Poland, the Seller's liability under warranty for defects in goods is excluded.
Izjava o sigurnosti online plaćanja
Pri plaćanju na našoj web trgovini koristite CorvusPay – napredni sustav za siguran prihvat platnih kartica putem interneta.
CorvusPay sustav osigurava potpunu tajnost Vaših kartičnih i osobnih podataka već od trenutka kada ih upišete u CorvusPay platni formular. Platni podaci prosljeđuju se šifrirano od Vašeg web preglednika do banke koja je izdala Vašu karticu. Naša trgovina nikada ne dolazi u kontakt s cjelovitim podacima o Vašoj platnoj kartici. Također, podaci su nedostupni čak i djelatnicima CorvusPay sustava. Izolirana jezgra samostalno prenosi i upravlja osjetljivim podacima, čuvajući ih pri tom potpuno sigurnima.
Formular za upis platnih podataka osiguran je SSL transportnom šifrom najveće pouzdanosti. Svi skladišteni podaci dodatno su zaštićeni šifriranjem, korištenjem kriptografskog uređaja certificiranog prema FIPS 140-2 Level 3 standardu. CorvusPay zadovoljava sve zahtjeve vezane uz sigurnost on-line plaćanja propisane od strane vodećih kartičnih brandova, odnosno posluje sukladno normi – PCI DSS Level 1 – najviši sigurnosni standard industrije platnih kartica. Pri plaćanju karticama uvrštenim u 3-D Secure program Vaša banka uz valjanost same kartice dodatno potvrđuje i Vaš identitet pomoću tokena ili lozinke.
Corvus Pay sve prikupljene informacije smatra tajnom i tretira ih u skladu s tim. Informacije se koriste isključivo u svrhe za koje su namijenjene. Vaši osjetljivi podaci u potpunosti su sigurni, a njihova privatnost zajamčena je najmodernijim zaštitnim mehanizmima. Prikupljaju se samo podaci nužni za obavljanje posla sukladno propisanim zahtjevnim procedurama za on-line plaćanje.
Sigurnosne kontrole i operativne procedure primijenjene na našu infrastrukturu osiguravaju trenutnu pouzdanost CorvusPay sustava. Uz to održavanjem stroge kontrole pristupa, redovitim praćenjem sigurnosti i dubinskim provjerama za sprječavanje ranjivosti mreže te planskim provođenjem odredbi o informacijskoj sigurnosti trajno održavaju i unaprjeđuju stupanj sigurnosti sustava zaštitom Vaših kartičnih podataka.
Hvala što koristite CorvusPay!
Security of Online Payments
While conducting payments on our web shop you are using CorvusPay – an advanced system for secure acceptance of credit cards on the Internet.
CorvusPay system ensures complete privacy of your credit card data and personal data from the moment you type them into the CorvusPay payment form. Data required for billing is forwarded encrypted from your web browser to the bank that issued your payment card. Our store never comes into contact with your sensitive payment card data. Similarly, CorvusPay operators cannot access your complete cardholder data. An isolated system core independently transmits and manages sensitive data while at the same time keeping it completely safe.
The form for entering payment data is secured by an SSL transmission cipher of the greatest reliability. All stored data is additionally protected by hi-grade encryption, using hardware devices certified by FIPS 140 2 Level 3 standard. CorvusPay fulfills all of the requirements for safe online payment prescribed by the leading credit card brands, operating in compliance to the PCI DSS Level 1 standard - the highest security standard of the payment card industry. Payments made by cards enroled with the 3-D Secure program are further authenticated by the issuing bank, confirming your identity through the use of a token or a password.
All information collected by Corvus Pay is considered a secret and treated accordingly. The information is used exclusively for the purposes for which they were intended. Your sensitive data is fully
secure and it’s privacy is guaranteed by the state of the art safeguard mechanisms. We collect only the data necessary for performing the work in accordance with the demanding prescribed procedures for online payment.
Security controls and operating procedures applied within the CorvusPay infrastructure not only ensure current reliability of CorvusPay but permanently maintain and enhance the security levels of protecting your credit card information by maintaining strict access controls, regular security and in-depth system checks for preventing network vulnerabilities.
Thank you for using CorvusPay!
Ostale informacije
opis načina zaštite povjerljivih podataka (Izjava o sigurnosti online plaćanja)
izjavu o zaštiti i prikupljanju osobnih podataka i njihovom korištenju
(Prodajno mjesto mora kupcima osigurati mogućnost da ne pristanu na sudjelovanje u marketinškim akcijama i da ne budu suglasni s davanjem njihovih osobnih podataka na korištenje trećim osobama. Prodajno mjesto može koristiti sljedeću izjavu o privatnosti: ‘[NAZIV_PRODAJNOG_MJESTA] obavezuje se pružati zaštitu osobnim podacima kupaca, na način da prikuplja samo nužne, osnovne podatke o kupcima/ korisnicima koji su nužni za ispunjenje naših obveza; informira kupce o načinu korištenja prikupljenih podataka, redovito daje kupcima mogućnost izbora o upotrebi njihovih podataka, uključujući mogućnost odluke žele li ili ne da se njihovo ime ukloni s lista koje se koriste za marketinške kampanje. Svi se podaci o korisnicima strogo čuvaju i dostupni su samo djelatnicima kojima su ti podaci nužni za obavljanje posla. Svi djelatnici [NAZIV_PRODAJNOG_MJESTA] i poslovni partneri odgovorni su za poštivanje načela zaštite privatnosti.’)
Logotipi prihvata kartica i sigurnosnih programa
Trgovac je dužan postaviti odgovarajuće logotipe kartica Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, Diners, Discover i American Express te pripadajućih sigurnosnih programa koje prihvaća i podržava na stranicama svog internetskog prodajnog mjesta.
Detaljne upute za logotipe mogu se pronaći u dokumentu Standardi kartica i logotipa.
We are Filip and Marko — two devoted husbands and proud dads on a mission to bring comfort, practicality, and effortless style to your wardrobe. Inspired by our own journey of supporting our wives through pregnancy and motherhood, we understand the importance of clothing that feels as good as it looks. Our goal is simple: to make life a little easier, one thoughtfully designed piece at a time. Because when moms feel comfortable and confident, everything else falls into place.